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Our sexuality is something that can mean different things to different people. In this section we will be referring to it as those we are sexually attracted to.

Some people know from a very young age whether they are attracted to girls, boys or both, but for some others it can take time to work out how they feel. The most important thing to remember is that it is normal for us to take time to work out who we are, and no-one should pressure us to feel one way or another.

It can be daunting for some people when they realise that they are attracted to people of the same sex. Telling their friends and family about it can be difficult.  Often people worry about how their friends and family will react and what they will say and do once they are told. These and other questions or anxieties may play on a person's mind when they imagine having that conversation. Talking about the way you feel with people you trust is an important part of embracing who you are and can be a very positive and supportive experience. A good starting point is telling someone who is very likely to be supportive and helpful. This can help with gaining the confidence to tell other people and it means that person is there to help, whatever happens next.

Some people will identify as lesbian gay or bisexual. There are also men who do not identify as either gay or bisexual, but will as part of their sex life have sex with other men.

Men who have sex with men often need information and support for a number of other issues such as coming out, forming, and maintaining relationships and negotiating safe sex.

Sexually transmitted infections are an issue that can affect any sexually active man; men who have sex with men can be at a higher risk for some infections including HIV. SWISH offer sexual health services for men who have sex with men and offer advice and support for men who think they may have been exposed to HIV

Women who have sex with women generally have the same sexual health and reproductive health needs as any other woman however, there are some specific bits of information that they may find helpful.


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13 January 2025

Festive Opening Hours 2024
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